Monday, December 28, 2009

A Crafty Christmas...

It's become a tradition to make some Christmas crafts to give away. So, here they are... the top 8 Christmas crafts...
#8- Homemade play dough- smells like blue raspberry and lasts forever.

#7- Star Shaped Gingerbread Lollipop Cookies- So yummy!

#6- An apron for Gigi...

#5- A frame for Nana

#4- A frame for Pop-Pop

#3- A copy of the blog I did for my mom.

#2- Personalized Pillows- Made for all the cousins.

#1- By far the coolest craft!!! My dad made the boys a Crooked Train Station for our yard. We saw the crooked houses on Jon and Kate plus 8 and thought they were so cool and I knew my dad was the right man for the job!!! It is just too incredible and I won't be surprised if the orders start pouring in!!! A huge thanks to Pop-Pop!!! Also, we want to thank Nana for helping paint and Jeremy, Jason, Daniel and Greg for helping move this Crooked Train Station on Christmas Eve and keeping it a surprise for Christmas morning.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Hand.... Me..... Down

The one thing about having 2 boys is watching some of the outfits (that aren't ruined beyond belief) reappear on the next little face. That was Jadin at 2 years 3 months and Brody at 22 months sporting the Christmas suit.
Let's see... in two years time, Jeremy is still wearing the same clothes and I am still pregnant! I guess some things never change!!! :)

We will see if the suit makes it to one more child.... It wouldn't hurt my feelings one bit if we had to trade it in for some girly clothes... but we will see. For now, I am just going to enjoy all of my handsome men.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Christmas Card Outtakes 2009

This has become one of my favorite blogs of the year. You know why? Cause it's just who we are. Every year, I try and get a Christmas card photo that captures our family the best. And, I have to say that the Outtakes are far more precious to me than any perfect picture.

It shows off the uncooperativeness of my boys. How.... although, we were trying to get them to sit still and pose, they chose to wrestle and clobber one another. It shows that no matter how many pictures you take, it is difficult to make everyone happy. Since we are dealing with 4 different individuals, it is near impossible to please everyone. It shows a small glimpse of Jeremy and I threatening the boys with everything we could think of to get one HAPPY Christmas photo. From, 'We are going to take a quarter out of your jar' to 'You know that Sunkist I promised you if you behave? Well, I am about to go drink it!!! Now, be still!!!' It shows our new puppy, who, although we would like to pretend is a wonderful addition to our growing family, has been quite the handful.

I suppose if I were to send out one of those Denton Family Newsletters it may sound a little like this....

"We are just a model family. Jadin is like a perfect little angel. He always listens- never disobeys. And that Brody, well, he is just Mr. Photogenic! He loves to sit and just let me snap, snap, snap. And, Jeremy and I.... we are just the perfect parents! We never barter with our kids. I mean, who does that??? We always are filled with patience and kindness 24/7. And we certainly never snap at each other during Christmas photos! God should just go ahead and slap an extra crown on our heads! Lastly, that puppy of ours is like Lassie. He never pees or poops on anything and is just the calmest little thing!!! Oh, don't you want to be us?!?!"

However, the pictures shown would blow my cover. We are real like everyone else. And, I like it like that.

Merry Christmas Everyone!!!!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Gluttons for Punishment...

On Sunday, the door bell rang and a "UPS package" appeared on the front porch. There was a card taped to the top for Jadin and Brody. Inside the card, Santa proceeded to explain that there was a gift inside the box that could not wait until Christmas. Santa went on to say that he and Mrs. Claus were too busy making toys and getting ready for the BIG night to take care of this present. Needless to say, he asked if Jadin and Brody would mind taking care of the present a little early and he would check in on it on Christmas Eve.

All the while the card is being read aloud, the box is moving all around the porch. Jadin, in GREAT anticipation, rips open the box to find a puppy with a bright red bow.

Meet. Dodger.

Yes, we know.... two boys, a baby on the way and now a puppy. We have been experiencing the weight of our decision the last few nights as the dog has to go out every few hours. Standing on the back porch at 3 am waiting for a dog to pee really makes you feel a little thing called regret. But, then you look at that face and remember why you are a glutton for punishment.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Thankful Thinking...

It was a regular day in Science class. The bell was about to ring. I was brushing my hair- since looking good was a major concern for every middle-schooler. And right before class was to be dismissed, my teacher decided to single me out. He came over and said very loud, "Ms. Walsh, we do NOT need to be brushing OUR hair!" I was already mortified, but yet, he went on... "Ewww, this brush has lice on it!!!!!!!!! It's crawling up my arm!!!! Tell your mother she can come pick it up from me once I disinfect it." It did not have lice on it, but the lie was much more amusing to a class full of seventh graders. He got what he wanted: my brush and a big laugh. And he also succeeded in sending me to the girls room to cry alone in the stall.

That afternoon, I proceeded to tell my mom this story and let her know that I was sorry I had lost my brush. As she drove, and I finished telling the story, she didn't say a word. Now, let me tell you... when my mama gets quiet... you better look out!!! The only thing she said was, "I'll get your brush back."

The next day in Science class, my teacher pulled me into his office and with tears in his eyes, he apologized all over himself. I'll admit, I was a little embarrassed, wondering what in the world my mom had said. But, I was thrilled that he would never pick on me again. When I got home, my mom said, "Here's your brush. Now, don't have it out in class again." And, I said "Yes mamm." But, in a nut shell, that was my mom. She did not endorse her kids acting up, but she did not STAND for anyone coming against us. If you did... you chose to enter the lion's den. And I am not kidding.

My mom and I have always had a great relationship. I was a ball of mush and she was somewhat stoic so we were a perfect match. We often acted as sisters as I got older. I can remember when I got big enough, she was trying to spank me for something I had done and I was holding her arms and we were going round and round in circles. She was yelling, "Let go of my arms so I can spank you." And I was saying, "Do you think I am crazy?" She would finally start laughing and give up.

I told her everything and she always listened with a nonjudgmental ear. The open line of communication really kept me out of trouble as I got to be a teenager. She was a nurse and she always kept me informed on where my decisions may lead. For that reason, I chose to stay away from all of it. And there came a moment, where she stopped coming to my rescue and I was able to STAND up for myself. I have her to thank for the strong backbone I carry today. And the legacy of the look.... 'Don't you mess with my kids or we will have to throw down!'

But, this time 4 years ago, my strong mama found out that she would need a biopsy on a tumor they had been watching for many years. It was right after Thanksgiving and I was waiting with my dad and my 2 month old baby for the results from an all day surgery. The doctor came out and let us know that it was a grade 4. And the prognosis was not good. I looked down at my sleeping baby and was so thankful that my mom had been there when he was born. But, in the same thought, I was devastated at her not being there to watch him grow up. Or to be there for the births of future children. I cried so deeply it hurt all over.

While we waited for the results to come back from the lab, I wanted nothing more than for everything to go back to the way it was. For just mundane life to return. All the moments we all take for granted.... I wanted those moments back.

As it turns out, the results returned as a grade 2. It still was going to be treated very aggressively with chemo and radiation but it was a HUGE blessing and we were all thankful.

So, now, almost 4 years later, she receives positive reports with each checkup. She works hard each day and is a fabulous Nana to my, now, 2 boys and one on the way. We are all so thankful that regular life has returned but not without a constant reminder of just how much gratitude we all need to have in our daily lives. God is gracious and I am thankful!

All that said, if there was one woman that I thought might make it through that type of cancer and come out standing, it would be her. She is tough as nails and I am thankful for her.
Happy Thanksgiving Ya'll!!!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Heart Abandoned...

As some of you know, I attended a retreat a few weeks ago for women. I think that each woman on the weekend was there for God's purpose and throughout the weekend, we each had to individually discover why we were there. For me, it seemed that the weekend was eating away. It started on Thursday evening and by Saturday morning, I still had not figured out what God wanted to do in me. Women were getting breakthroughs. Some had already had times of weeping before the Lord and I was wondering, "God, I haven't cried one tear, and I'm a crier!"

Later that morning, we went to a breakfast where they had decorated it in a beach theme and they were playing the Beach Boys 'Everybody goes surfing.' As I entered, I started to cry! How embarrassing???? Everyone was laughing and having a good time. And I could not get it together! Now I was saying, "Lord, this is ridiculous. What in the WORLD am I crying about?" But, he didn't answer me right then.

During a worship service that evening, a woman handed me a flag. I have seen flags waved before in worship services and I always thought it was pretty but I never had a desire to wave one myself. So, I am standing there, holding this flag and thinking, "I feel like an idiot." And I did feel like an idiot. Even though there was a few other women waving the flags, I felt so conspicuous. Like everyone was looking at me. That was the moment that God showed me why I was there. Somehow, I had grown from a little girl that danced before my parents in a dress that swished to a woman who was inhibited by my own insecurities.

My mom used to say to me when I was a teenager and I was arguing about who knows what... "Ashli, Get Over Yourself!" Now, that really burned my butter!!! But, in a way, God was saying to me, "Your worship to me has become inhibited. You need to get over yourself." So, before the weekend was over, God did so many more special things to make sure I got the point. Things that, if I had time, I would tell you about because they really were amazing.

And in the final worship service, I knew what I had to do. I knew God wanted me to dance before Him with heart abandoned. My heart was pounding! My feet felt like they weighed a thousand pounds. But, I stepped out and begin to dance before Him. And, I'll be honest... the first 10 seconds felt so uncomfortable. But as I began to let go of years of insecurities and just dance before my Maker like a little girl, I experienced an undeniable freedom.

Jeremy and I work in the children’s' ministry at our church and not a Sunday passes by where there is not a little girl dancing with the same freedom around the room. Her dress is swishing. She has a delight about her. And she is confident. As women, if our childhood allowed, we were once able dance with heart abandoned. However. at some point.... the embarrassing moment at school takes place; you are ridiculed over what you are wearing; a boy breaks your heart; and then eventually, a time comes when you begin to judge others in the same way you were judged.

The pictures shown are my friend Dee's little girl exemplifying the freedom to which I have been speaking. If we want true, authentic worship with God, he desires us to come to Him like this little girl. Matthew 18:3 tells us to come to him like children. I don't think that this necessarily means by dancing, but if you watch children who have not yet been affected by life's difficulties, they approach God without inhibition. I want to take this freedom that God allowed me to experience and make sure that my worship to Him comes without inhibition. Whether I dance or not.... I know that I need to give him my whole heart each and every time I have the opportunity to meet with Him.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Take A Number Ladies...

For about a month now, I knew that the boys were going to be Cowboys for Halloween. So, on Halloween Eve I took them out to capture a few pictures before the candy rush.

The only problem was... Brody would NOT wear his costume. Off came the boots...

He threw the hat down....

And he tugged at his shirt. See, Brody likes to be what we like to call, "Nay-Nay" as much as possible!!! So, with 2 hours and counting before Trick-Or-Treating, I realized I had to come up with something else. He needed something with as little clothing as possible.


Take your seats...

The show is about to begin.....

Introducing Brody, the show-stopping Chip-N-Dale...
And he LOVED it!!! I kept asking him during the night if he wanted a shirt on and he would say "No," and smile and tap his chest. People went CRAZY over this at every house we stopped. He got LOTS of extra candy and a few offers for dollar bills!!! Jadin was too busy with his older friends to even notice, but Brody did steal the show!

Hope everyone had a GREAT Halloween!!!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Monster S-MASH...

Jadin has made an extraordinary friend in Chase since we moved to Tallahassee 2 years ago. There is a neat story behind how they became friends that I will post in the weeks to come. But, for now, all you need to know is these 2 are 2 of a kind.

This past weekend, we took them to a Fall Festival and Chase's mom and I realized that in all the time they have been friends, we have never snapped a picture of just the two of them. So, we were snapping pictures like crazy! Trying to make up for lost time...

Anyway, we stopped at a pumpkin/skeleton picture opt to try and freeze their friendship...
But, they are typical little boys and they can't manage to leave anything alone. See how things progressed....

Picture 1: Posing Perfectly

Picture 2: The Scheming Begins

Picture 3: Let's See If We Can Take Apart This Skeleton
(Despite Emily and I saying... "Put that down before somebody sees ya'll")

Picture 4: I Wonder If Its Head Comes Off? Let's see....

Picture 5: Who Did What? We Don't Know Why That Skeleton Is Thrown Into Pieces Behind Those Pumpkins.... Hmmm....

This brings a whole new meaning to Monster Mash. Partners in Crime. We will have our hands full in the years to come. :)