Monday, September 21, 2009

And that makes 4...

This morning at 9:21 on 9/21, Jadin turned 4! He had a great race-car birthday party with an awesome pit-crew and a pit-stop for hotdogs.

I can't say enough what a joy it is to have Jadin. He has been full of life and expression since the day he was born and we are thrilled God gave him to us! Happy 4th Birthday to the best 4-year-old I know!!!

Saturday, September 19, 2009


On Monday.... I will put up a very special Birthday blog for my almost 4 year old Jadin. But today... I will let you in on a little secret.

After Jadin's party... we gathered our family for a group picture. Set the timer... and right before the picture snapped Jeremy said, "By the way... Ashli's pregnant."

And this was the reaction...

I stood up and turned around and said... "He's serious." Reaction improves. They thought he was joking.

Then... we said, let's try this again...

Much better. :)

So, yes... it's true. We are shocked and surprised for a third time. But next April, #3 is on her way. Or his way. We will see...

Breathe..... Breathe....

That was me. Hyperventilating.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The love of a Father...

My heart hurts today. Life seems to overwhelm me some days. I'm imperfect and some of the tasks I face seem more than I can handle.

So, I turn this song on. I am reminded of my Heavenly Father who faced more than he thought he could handle and he did it for me. He died for me. And the story never gets old.

I invite you to refresh this page and listen to this song from the beginning. I invite you to accept him as Lord of you life if you haven't done so. I invite you to remember the sacrifice he made for you. Think of how great your love is for your own children and how hard it must of been for God to sacrifice his only son for you. He loves you that much.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Stupid Cart...

I am down to one grocery shopping trip a week. It is a BIG trip but once it's done, it's done. I hit Wal-Mart for the things that are not on sale at Publix because they are slightly cheaper. However, I am starting to wonder if Wal-Mart is worth my sanity!

Brody and I had a short list for Wal-Mart and HIGH hopes to get in and out in a hurry. But, seriously, it's Wal-Mart! It begins when we walk in the door.

The welcome person is busy in conversation with her neighbor from down the street and we wiggle past them to try and get a shopping cart. I set Brody in the cart while I try and separate it from the cart behind it.

I tug.
I pull.
No luck.

I move Brody to the next row of carts. I tug. I pull. I throw my thigh into it with my foot in the air. All the while the welcome lady... "Girl, oh no he didn't!!!!! Naw.... Girl!"

Finally the cart comes slinging loose. Brody and I go flying backwards. Only to discover that the child seat is broken... really broken... and I have to get another cart.

I'm in a sweat. My hair looks mangled. I start over and finally get another cart. Get Brody strapped in. Once we pull out of the dirty carpet zone... I notice that the cart as an extreme pull to the left and with every rotation of the wheels it makes an animal noise. Oh well. I catch everyone’s attention with my noisy cart and they watch as I struggle to fight the cart back to the right.

Brody is screaming. I believe Wal-Mart makes all babies scream. We get our things and get to the 42 lanes in the front to discover that only 1 lane is open. I spend an equal amount of time in line as the rest of my Wal-Mart experience.

There is something about Wal-Mart that makes you think some of the worst thoughts you could possibly think! And I know you know what I'm talking about!!!

Off to Publix where shopping really is a pleasure.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

School is now in session!!!

Today was the first day of preschool for Jadin. Ahhhhh.... a big sigh of relief. I thoroughly enjoy hanging out with my two boys but for those of you who don't know Jadin.... it is hard to muster up the energy to keep up with him all.... day.... long. He is not happy unless he is BUSY.

I can't blame him because... I was much like this as a kid. I remember my dad saying... "Ashli, you need to learn to be happy just having a relaxing day at home." I felt like a relaxing day at home was like a slow, painful death. Honestly, I still feel that way. :)

And now, I have one just like me. He wants to know the agenda the moment he wakes up. And after one 30 minute tv show, so that I can shower, he announces- "I've watched enough tv, what should we do now?" I feel like saying, "Mommy is brain-dead today. I have no more ideas."

So... after a long summer of trying to make each day interesting... we skipped into school today. There were kids crying today as the separated from their parents. But Jadin threw his backpack in his cubby and got busy being a preschooler. No time for Goodbyes. He was too busy.

When I picked him up, he said, "I handled all of those kids today." He's a busy little boss. :)

Happy First Day of preschool Jadin!!!