Thursday, October 22, 2009

Monster S-MASH...

Jadin has made an extraordinary friend in Chase since we moved to Tallahassee 2 years ago. There is a neat story behind how they became friends that I will post in the weeks to come. But, for now, all you need to know is these 2 are 2 of a kind.

This past weekend, we took them to a Fall Festival and Chase's mom and I realized that in all the time they have been friends, we have never snapped a picture of just the two of them. So, we were snapping pictures like crazy! Trying to make up for lost time...

Anyway, we stopped at a pumpkin/skeleton picture opt to try and freeze their friendship...
But, they are typical little boys and they can't manage to leave anything alone. See how things progressed....

Picture 1: Posing Perfectly

Picture 2: The Scheming Begins

Picture 3: Let's See If We Can Take Apart This Skeleton
(Despite Emily and I saying... "Put that down before somebody sees ya'll")

Picture 4: I Wonder If Its Head Comes Off? Let's see....

Picture 5: Who Did What? We Don't Know Why That Skeleton Is Thrown Into Pieces Behind Those Pumpkins.... Hmmm....

This brings a whole new meaning to Monster Mash. Partners in Crime. We will have our hands full in the years to come. :)

Monday, October 19, 2009

My 2 Pumpkins...

After this weekend, I could post a multitude of blogs. We filled the weekend with as many Fall activities as we could possibly stand.

My weekend To-Do List
1. Girls Night Out
2. Pumpkin Patch
3. Make Sparkle Pumpkins
4. Clean Baseboards
5. Long awaited soccer game against best buddy Chase (pictures to come!!!)
6. Havana Fall Festival
7. Wait 2 hours for a chili-dog (a story only Jeremy can tell!)
8. Clean refrigerator
9. Attend Jadin's preschool Fall performance
10. Carve the pumpkin
11. Roast pumpkin seeds
12. Make a delicious pot of chili
13. Light the Pumpkin

So, we managed to get it all done except for #4 and #8.... :) But, sometimes... you just got to let some things go and enjoy the moment. The cleaning will always be there. In fact, I am going to do some today. But, I wouldn't trade our fun-filled family weekend for the world. I am realizing that THESE are the important things. Everything else will fall into place.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Hello World...

Ultrasound pictures can be tricky. Either you see it or you don't. When I look at the picture above, I can immediately see a baby who is waving hello. The baby is facing the camera and has his/her right hand waving hello. The first shot is a profile picture of the baby. Can you see it? I know that when Jeremy looks at these he stares and says "I got nothin'..." :)

I am just shy over 12 weeks and feeling great. With all three pregnancies, there has been a defining day when I wake up and the yuck is gone. No more pajamas. No more cheerleading shorts and t-shirts. I am ready to get dressed, fix my hair and feel pretty again! I woke up on Friday and felt like a new woman. I actually WANTED to clean the house! I all-of-a-sudden had energy and I knew the first-trimester-blahness was over.

Another strange phenomenon.... I weighed in today 6 pounds lighter than my last visit. I am really not sure why this happens but it is the third time I have lost weight in the first trimester. I don't throw up and I LOVE to eat. I think the baby sucks all the extra pounds from me in the first few weeks. Who knows? But.... the weight is inevitable. It's coming. Not to worry.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Soccer Stud

Rather than paying for the overpriced individual soccer portraits- I pulled Jadin aside to capture his studliness. Jadin and I have had the flu for over a week, so a few pounds lighter... we made it to his comeback game. So glad to be back from the pit of the flu.

He is pretty studly. :)

This song reminds me of my cheerleading days. Good times.