Monday, December 28, 2009

A Crafty Christmas...

It's become a tradition to make some Christmas crafts to give away. So, here they are... the top 8 Christmas crafts...
#8- Homemade play dough- smells like blue raspberry and lasts forever.

#7- Star Shaped Gingerbread Lollipop Cookies- So yummy!

#6- An apron for Gigi...

#5- A frame for Nana

#4- A frame for Pop-Pop

#3- A copy of the blog I did for my mom.

#2- Personalized Pillows- Made for all the cousins.

#1- By far the coolest craft!!! My dad made the boys a Crooked Train Station for our yard. We saw the crooked houses on Jon and Kate plus 8 and thought they were so cool and I knew my dad was the right man for the job!!! It is just too incredible and I won't be surprised if the orders start pouring in!!! A huge thanks to Pop-Pop!!! Also, we want to thank Nana for helping paint and Jeremy, Jason, Daniel and Greg for helping move this Crooked Train Station on Christmas Eve and keeping it a surprise for Christmas morning.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Hand.... Me..... Down

The one thing about having 2 boys is watching some of the outfits (that aren't ruined beyond belief) reappear on the next little face. That was Jadin at 2 years 3 months and Brody at 22 months sporting the Christmas suit.
Let's see... in two years time, Jeremy is still wearing the same clothes and I am still pregnant! I guess some things never change!!! :)

We will see if the suit makes it to one more child.... It wouldn't hurt my feelings one bit if we had to trade it in for some girly clothes... but we will see. For now, I am just going to enjoy all of my handsome men.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Christmas Card Outtakes 2009

This has become one of my favorite blogs of the year. You know why? Cause it's just who we are. Every year, I try and get a Christmas card photo that captures our family the best. And, I have to say that the Outtakes are far more precious to me than any perfect picture.

It shows off the uncooperativeness of my boys. How.... although, we were trying to get them to sit still and pose, they chose to wrestle and clobber one another. It shows that no matter how many pictures you take, it is difficult to make everyone happy. Since we are dealing with 4 different individuals, it is near impossible to please everyone. It shows a small glimpse of Jeremy and I threatening the boys with everything we could think of to get one HAPPY Christmas photo. From, 'We are going to take a quarter out of your jar' to 'You know that Sunkist I promised you if you behave? Well, I am about to go drink it!!! Now, be still!!!' It shows our new puppy, who, although we would like to pretend is a wonderful addition to our growing family, has been quite the handful.

I suppose if I were to send out one of those Denton Family Newsletters it may sound a little like this....

"We are just a model family. Jadin is like a perfect little angel. He always listens- never disobeys. And that Brody, well, he is just Mr. Photogenic! He loves to sit and just let me snap, snap, snap. And, Jeremy and I.... we are just the perfect parents! We never barter with our kids. I mean, who does that??? We always are filled with patience and kindness 24/7. And we certainly never snap at each other during Christmas photos! God should just go ahead and slap an extra crown on our heads! Lastly, that puppy of ours is like Lassie. He never pees or poops on anything and is just the calmest little thing!!! Oh, don't you want to be us?!?!"

However, the pictures shown would blow my cover. We are real like everyone else. And, I like it like that.

Merry Christmas Everyone!!!!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Gluttons for Punishment...

On Sunday, the door bell rang and a "UPS package" appeared on the front porch. There was a card taped to the top for Jadin and Brody. Inside the card, Santa proceeded to explain that there was a gift inside the box that could not wait until Christmas. Santa went on to say that he and Mrs. Claus were too busy making toys and getting ready for the BIG night to take care of this present. Needless to say, he asked if Jadin and Brody would mind taking care of the present a little early and he would check in on it on Christmas Eve.

All the while the card is being read aloud, the box is moving all around the porch. Jadin, in GREAT anticipation, rips open the box to find a puppy with a bright red bow.

Meet. Dodger.

Yes, we know.... two boys, a baby on the way and now a puppy. We have been experiencing the weight of our decision the last few nights as the dog has to go out every few hours. Standing on the back porch at 3 am waiting for a dog to pee really makes you feel a little thing called regret. But, then you look at that face and remember why you are a glutton for punishment.