Saturday, April 10, 2010

The 4-B-4...

We are roughly 10 days away from becoming a Party of Five. It's hard to believe Brody will become a big brother, Jadin will be an even bigger brother and Jeremy and I will be the proud parents of a THIRD child!!! A little scary but we are up for the challenge. I can't wait to hold him or her and find out if he or she is a him or her!

But, before that day arrives... we wanted to take a few pictures to capture our life as it is right now. 2 beautiful boys that we love and adore and a great marriage that we enjoy. It's a bit sad to say goodbye to our party of four since we are preparing for an addition that will soon out number us! But, we believe that each child is such a blessing and miracle. So, if there is room in the heart, then there is room in the home.

Food Fight: Party of One

After serving Brody some lunch, I got busy in the kitchen preparing some buffalo chicken dip for our small group that evening. He was quiet and content which should have been my first clue!

Once I wrapped up what I was doing, I glanced over at Brody to see the tail end of his solitary food fight. He was finishing off the last drop of applesauce by smearing it into his blonde locks. I said, "Brody, what are you doing?!?!?!?!" He replied confidently, "I give me haircut." Of course! Haven't you heard? Applesauce is the new pomade. It's sticky and will smell fresh for at least a few hours.

Stuff like this doesn't get to me. I take the blame if a disaster happens but I capture it with a picture first. Then, off to the bathtub he went. :)