At a recent doctor's visit, I was talking to my doctor about how with this pregnancy, I feel like I cannot get enough to eat. With my two boys, I slowed down towards the end of the pregnancy- I felt really full if I ate a normal size meal. But, this time... I am able to put it down and go back for more!
His response was... "Well, we like for women to shoot for about a 30 lb weight gain and you've only gained 20." He went on to say, "In the last trimester, women typically gain a pound a week, where the baby gets almost half of that weight gain. And, you only have 5 weeks to go... so you're only looking at gaining.... 5 more pounds. I say... eat what you want and enjoy it."
And I always follow doctor's orders! Not that I needed his permission, because I was doing just fine eating what I wanted and enjoying it too! But, I got to thinking about how they say half of the weight gain goes to the baby in the last trimester. Yet they kindly don't mention where the other half goes. Well, let me tell you where it goes...
You can count on a couple of pounds landing right on the ole derriere. A good pound or two in your thighs and arms. Why not inject a little water weight into your ankles? And don't forget about your face... where do you think those glowing cheeks come from? Of course, you may benefit from the larger bust size... (sorry to my male readers :)) But, we all know it's a fleeting increase that will leave you worse for the wear.
Don't get me wrong, I am not crying over the weight gain. I mean, I dread seeing the scales go up at every visit like any other woman. However, in the end, I know it's just a few pounds and a little wear and tear for a new life. So... I guess I can sum this blog up with my favorite quote...
Put your big girl panties on and deal with it!!!
Literally! :)