It is hard for me to believe that Dallas Brantley, born on April 13th at 8:17 am, is ONE month old today. I was trying to think back to the days that seemed to whisk by... what in the world has made a month? I feel like it was just yesterday that he was born, weighing in at 8 lbs 1 oz and was 21 inches long. But actually, yesterday, he weighed in at 10 lbs 9 oz and is getting bigger by the day. Many have asked for a new blog, but with three kids... let's get real... time is not on my side!!! So, I decided to dedicate tonight to reminding myself and sharing with you what made a month in our world...
Week 1: Dallas is born. First photo shoot.

Week 2: Dallas grows. 2nd photo shoot. Brody dresses up as a playa'???? :)
Week 3: Dallas grows. Brody starts school and drops out all in 1 week. 3rd photo shoot.
Week 4: Dallas grows. Mothers day. I turn 28. He turns 1 month old.

And 1 month is made.
Just. Like. That. :(