Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Jeremy Turns the BIG 3-0!!!

One night you're 29 and then bamm.... the next morning you're a man in your 30's! Well, at least that's how it happened for Jeremy. :)

So, to ease the pain of this new decade, I gave him a special package last night that had 3 tickets for Six Flags over Georgia, 3 tickets to Atlanta Braves, a hotel stay and all the cash he may need. He was a bit perplexed as to who would be accompanying him on this little excursion. So, I let him know that two of his close friends, Wes and Brandon, would be driving in from NC to meet him in Atlanta this morning. BOYS NIGHT!!!

A huge thanks to Brandon and Wes who drove a long way to make Jeremy's 30th Birthday so special!

I love you baby!!! HAPPY 30th BIRTHDAY!!!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

McSteamy and MsDreamy

It was hot outside today, but that was not the only thing that was steamy... It seems like love is in the air today. Last night, my brother, Brad got engaged to his beautiful girlfriend, Cristina, who Brody affectionately calls Aunt Teenie. This morning, I got to be a fly on the wall taking pictures of Ashley and Austin, who will be tying the knot in the months to come. And today, I got the pleasure of watching two great people say I do. Congrats Daniel and Holly!!! To top it off... I am headed out for a date with a good lookin' man who can still turn a girls head! I love you Jeremy!!!

Here are a few from the engagement session today...

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

The Conveyer Belt of Parenting...

I recently heard a woman of quadruplets describe parenting as a conveyer belt. She said "things that need to be done keep coming towards you and you just do each one as it comes." That's a sweet thought...

But what happens when the parenting conveyer belt looks more like this...

I know that now that I am a mother of three, my conveyer belt sometimes gets a little out of control. I hear simultaneously... "I need something to drink" "The toilet is overflowing" "Dallas is crying, Mommy!" (Really? Cause I couldn't hear the screaming in my ear!)

Yesterday, I took all three boys to the doctor and on a full grocery shopping trip. (I know, I know... what was I thinking?) But, this is my conveyer belt and I have accepted it. So, after confirming a double ear infection for Jadin, we headed to Publix. I stopped by the pharmacy to let them know to get the meds ready so I could pick them up when I was done shopping.

I had a talk with them before we began. I said "Huddle up boys. We are a team and I need everyone to help. So, put your hands in and yell Super Shoppers on 3." (Yes, it's cheesy, but they're boys... and they eat it up) Off we went.

It was the most perfect trip I have had until the last five minutes. Dallas rode in his sling, Brody drove the Publix gigantic race-car-cart and Jadin put each and every item in the basket. We checked out with ease and I even let the boys pick out a treat for being so amazing. Then, we stopped by the pharmacy where the medicine was supposed to be waiting so that the trip could end with a bang.

But, this is where our conveyer belt went array. He (the pharmacy tech) says, "Mamm, we have to give you antibiotics from 2 different manufactures. So, the labels are different. I wanted to show you that the ingredients are the same." (All of this in slow motion it seemed)

I'm thinking... Are you still talking??? Hurry!!!! Dallas was waking up. We had been there for 1 hour and 15 minutes and the good behavior was on the line. But, I said in a hurried voice, "Great, Great. We'll take it." And he says in slow motion again, "Well, now I gotta go mix it up."

Oh. My. Word.

So, Jadin asks to sit in the cart cause he is getting tired and the moment I sit the two together, World War III breaks out. Brody turns and pinches the snot out of Jadin for absolutely no reason to which I responded, "No Brody!!!!" And pulled Jadin out of the warpath. Then the man returns with the meds (FINALLY) and proceeds to tell me that I should sanitize the syringe between doses. Really? Do I look like an idiot???

In the words of Ellen DeGeneres I wanted to say "Umm... Could ya get my sandwich?" (If you haven't seen that routine, it's a must!) So, I grab the meds and turn around to see Brody mutilating the loaf of bread. I snatch it back. Now I'm in a sweat. Dallas is starting to cry to eat. I remove the treat Brody was supposed to get for good behavior. (Yes, I'm mean like that... whatever) And as we exit, Brody lets our a 2-year-old bloody-murder scream like nothing you have ever heard.

My conveyer belt was officially out of control. But, that's okay. It happens. I got the boys strapped in their car seats in the Florida Heat, got the A/C blowing and got back on track. What else is a mommy to do. :)