Needless to say, I was blown away by his deep insight into the monotony of life. So, I said, "Yeah, life is like a pattern. And you get to do it over and over again for the next 60 years!!!" Haha. I then went on to explain that taking time to shake things up in life makes it a lot of fun. I can honestly say that when I look back on my 28 years, it has been far from boring! So, since this is the 'love' month... I was thinking about sneaking in one last blog dedicated to shaking things up.
Believe it or not... Jeremy and I are a lot alike. We were both math majors, both outgoing, both optimists, both organized, both conscientious, both dramatic and the list goes on. We took personality tests in college and our results had a striking resemblance. Usually, people marry someone quite different then them and their differences complement each other. But, we tend to lean the same way on most issues. I wouldn't say we disagree on much, but when we do... lookout! Because we both passionately fight for our cause, that can create some major head bumpage. (Yes, bumpage is a word... my word :) I think we had the same argument for the first three years we were married. It was a HOT topic, and it took forever to get settled.
But we do have a few differences... Jeremy is non-confrontational... I on the other hand... well, let's just say I don't mind hashing things out when needed. This is one of the reasons why we had an unresolved issue for 3 years. I brought it up, he swept it under the rug... I pulled it out from under the rug... and we went round and round. But, I must say, we have BOTH grown leaps and bounds in the years we have been together... he's not afraid to set me straight, (which I appreciate in a guy) and I have improved at letting things go.
One of our other differences and the reason behind this blog, is I like variety in almost every facet of life and Jeremy is an 'eat the same cereal' kind of guy. And there is SOOOO much good to say about Jeremy. His desire for steadiness makes for a secure home life, budget, marriage and so on. I on the other hand, try not to make the same dinner unless it has been months since we had it last. I'm big on surprises, making birthdays SUPER special, and just creating variety in general. This is not to say that I do not appreciate the pattern in our life. In fact, we both agree that our kids are well behaved simply because we are BIG on routine and consistency.
But, variety is a necessary part of life. Otherwise, there would be a grim outlook on our future. So, I encourage you today, if you feel like the grind of life has gotten into a really boring pattern... shake it up! It may be out of your comfort zone to add a little spice to life but your spouse deserves it, your kids need it and people in general LOVE when you do something out of the ordinary to bless them. Start by thinking of one person you can shake it up for today. And follow through! It will shake things up for them and for you! It's good medicine for the patterns of life!