Monday, February 14, 2011

Do You Love Me?

I heard a good word last night on Valentine's eve from the youth pastor at our church and I wanted to share what I gleaned from it...

The message centered around when Jesus asked Peter in John 21, 'do you love me?'

It took me back to all the crazy antics we go through to try and express our love (or really 'like') for one another when we're first figuring out about love. I have some embarrassing stories of my own where I put myself out there, only to be totally rejected. I pretty much stayed away from boys in high school mainly because I really didn't think anyone would like me back. I was scared. I tended to lean towards having crushes that were more in my head then anything resembling reality. There was a guy who I liked yet never could figure out where I stood with him. It seemed like he liked me but I was never really sure. He struggled to express anything remotely clear to me so... eventually, I let the idea go.

And then along came Jeremy!!! My first real boyfriend and he was in hot pursuit of me. I didn't lift a finger when it came to figuring things out. I didn't have to. He made it abundantly clear how he felt about me and left nothing for me to question.

But, even better than that... Jesus love for us does not beat around the bush. There's no 'check yes or no,' no mixed signals, no mind games. He is blunt and lays it out on the line for you... "Do You Love Me?" In fact, he lays it on the line so much, he died on a cross just for you to make it abundantly clear that His love is for you. He's straightforward... and I like that. My kinda man!

Happy Valentine's Day!

***To hear the video without the music, scroll down to the bottom and pause the playlist player.

1 comment:

  1. I love his song and dance, so cute :) :) I love that song too.
