I was a kid with high expectations. I anticipated my first slumber party like it was a night at the Ritz, my wedding like it was Cinderella's ball and every meal I've ever eaten like I was about to eat at a 5-star restaurant. I had high expectations for myself- I expected to do well in school, I expected to stay out of trouble (for the most part) and I expected that whomever I chose to marry would measure up. I expected a lot of others- I assumed people would keep their word.
It doesn't take many disappointments before you start to realize that maybe the world isn't as delightful as you had hoped. And Satan unknowingly uses 'Debbie Downer' type people to speak things into your life like, "Don't get your hopes up" or "Low expectations are the only way to go." So, after feeling enough disappointment, I tried out the low expectation thing... after all, it would prevent me from getting hurt, right? But, the thing I quickly discovered about low expectations, is that when I expected little, I received little to nothing. At least when I expected a lot, if I only received half, that was more than what I was getting with low expectations.
And at some point in college, the idea was presented to those in leadership... Think Disney. Disney seems to have endless ideas that flow into the most imaginative places you may expect to be only in your dreams. If you can dream it- they can make it happen. And they challenge their employees to think out of the box- like no where near the box. I pondered this type of thinking... if I was going to be all that God wanted me to be- I had to think Disney. The problem is... too many people have been lied to through disappointing experiences and adopted the mentality- think County Fair. And instead of receiving Disney quality or even half of Disney quality- they're receiving a mediocre fair ride and walking around eating a corn dog.
And even more creative than Disney is the Holy Spirit. Their is no one more creative than the Creator. I am intrigued by anatomy and physiology. Just studying what happens with each respiration or how a baby is formed knocks Disney out of the park. So, people ask me where I get my ideas from... I always go to the Source of creativity. I pray about each opportunity I have for creativity and I think Disney. Once God gives me an idea, and this part is key, I take on a Godly confidence that I can do whatever idea has popped into my head with God's help. We would not enjoy some of the inventions we use today, if the inventor was too afraid to fail.
Now have I messed up on some of my 'creative ideas?' Terribly. I have burnt things, (food and my own skin) I have botched things and had to start over. I have had ideas flop. And I have made some of the biggest messes that you could ever imagine. But, I find joy in knowing that I am getting more out of life with high expectations than by expecting little to nothing.
Psalm 39:7 "And now, Lord, what do I wait for and expect? My hope and expectation are in You." He is where my hope and expection rest- his creativity is boundless and unlike the world, He will never disappoint.