Sunday, September 25, 2011

Forever Neverland: A Peter Pan Prom

The Invitations

Three Pirates

The Disco Ball

Prom Photo Opt

The DJ's~ A & A

The Presents

The Food

The Cake

The Favors

The Thank You's

Fairy Face Painting

Pirate Tattoo Parlor

And Last But Not Least.... The Dancing!!!

This was, by far, one of the most fun parties we have had to date. And we couldn't have done it without Ashley and Austin- the DJ's; Shelby- the face painter; Hope- the tattoo artist; Emily- my cooking assistant and photographer; Amanda and Daniel- Prom Photo Photographers; Nana and Pop-Pop- PopPop built the ship and they both helped immensely setting up and tearing down; and Gigi and PopPop who kept the kids occupied on the day of which was no small task!!!

Happy 6th Birthday Jadin!!!

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