This airport sign is quite amusing... it's a perfect example of distraction. I interpret the light bulb like this: "Oh... there's a cinnamon bun with my name on it. I'll leave my very valuable luggage right here and.... golly-gee-whizakers... it will be here when I get back."
God will sometimes speak to me through a dream. Now... I am a vivid dreamer- always have been. So, I'm not going to get all hocus-pocus on you and assume that all my dreams have some great meaning. Most are a bi-product of what I have eaten for dinner the night before or a compilation of yesterday's events. But- every now and then... I will wake up from a dream and a sentence will pop into my head that explains the dream. In those times, it is God's way of relaying an important word to me.
So, last night I dreamed that I was shopping at the mall and was carrying around some of my previous purchases. An outfit on a rack caught my eye and I set my shopping bags down to go look at this outfit. When I turned around, two girls were walking off with MY shopping bags! I yelled at them to stop but they said, "You put them down... so now they're ours." Needless to say- I chased them down and clobbered them to retrieve my shopping bags. A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do. But- that's besides the point.
When I awoke- my immediate explanation was this -- "The moment you set it down... Satan will be there to walk off with it." And I knew exactly what God was trying to tell me. You see... recently, I made a commitment to God over something and in return- he has given me peace unspeakable, joy overflowing and the ability to accomplish tremendously more than I would ever be able to do in my own strength. But, because this is a new-found commitment, it's important that I keep up my end of the bargain day after day. God was reminding me that these treasures he is allowing me to experience will continue if I will remain steadfast. But, if I give up- even for a second- Satan will be there to steal my peace and joy.
Whenever we make a new commitment or promise, it's always easiest to give up after a short period of time. Not enough is vested. Our commitment has not yet taken root. And distraction causes us to set down our valuables only for them to be stolen by the enemy. But if we will continue. Press forward. And refuse to unleash our possessions to the enemy. Our dedication will turn into a deep seeded treasure that is near impossible to pilfer.
"Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong." 1 Corinthians 16:13. I don't want to set down the precious treasures God has blessed me with only for them to be taken from the enemy. We must be vigilant and on guard. Don't let distraction rob you of where God ultimately is trying to take you. Refuse to leave your luggage unattended!
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