But... don't misunderstand, being a mother is the most fulfilling challenge I have ever taken on. I'm just real. Here I will share the good, the bad and the ugly of motherhood. Along with that, I will reveal my longings to still pursue what God has for ME. And I will introduce you to the men in my life, who mean more to me than anyone will ever know.
First, I will reveal a little about myself. There is no way for me to share who I am without sharing Christ, because in Him, I am found. He is the first and most important man in my life. He loves me and died for me and you can't get much better than that. In addition to that, I am a leader and have been since I was a little girl. I have always been a little bossy but that has developed into a gifting of getting things done. I am creative and love to use my creativity to bless others. I am a wife that loves being married to my husband and I work hard to create a life in which I will always feel that way. I am a mother of two boys who are truly my sunshine. And if you think I am painting a perfect picture... think again....
I tend to stress out. I would not say I am easy going. Definitely high strung. My groceries have been found more than once in the Publix freezer because I couldn't find my wallet when it was time to pay. I have had MANY embarrassing moments and nervous laughter tends to strike me at the most inopportune times. I sometimes long for the days of college. When- at the time, I thought I was so loaded with responsibility and couldn't wait to get married so I could, well, be married! But, really... I was living a time of independence that can never again be repeated.
Since this blog will always be the first- it all comes down to this... I get one shot at this life. I WILL take the time to impact those around me for the cause of Christ.
Original Post Date: September 5, 2008
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