Thursday, August 27, 2009

Discovering what you love...

Unfortunately, the old saying is true- You don't know what you had until it's gone. Sometime last month, I inadvertently deleted my blog. I did everything I could to restore it but after receiving several canned e-mails from Google, I gave up. I watched as the pictures and stories disappeared from the blog one by one. I was able to keep hard copies of all the stories so at least I have some record.

But when it was gone, I realized how much it meant to me. It IS a place for me to clear my head. It is a place for me to record the happenings of everyday life that never seem to make it into the baby books. And it is a place to call my own- which I think every woman needs.

So, I am back in the saddle again. I really don't know how many avid readers I had out there, if any? But, I do this more for me than anyone else. And if someone happens to empathize or get a laugh out of one of the posts- well, it is all the more fulfilling.

I decided to only post the original blog from when I started Reveal last September. It makes sense because it was the first and explains the reasons I started this blogging journey. Check back soon for new posts hot off the grill!!! :)

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