Wednesday, September 2, 2009

School is now in session!!!

Today was the first day of preschool for Jadin. Ahhhhh.... a big sigh of relief. I thoroughly enjoy hanging out with my two boys but for those of you who don't know Jadin.... it is hard to muster up the energy to keep up with him all.... day.... long. He is not happy unless he is BUSY.

I can't blame him because... I was much like this as a kid. I remember my dad saying... "Ashli, you need to learn to be happy just having a relaxing day at home." I felt like a relaxing day at home was like a slow, painful death. Honestly, I still feel that way. :)

And now, I have one just like me. He wants to know the agenda the moment he wakes up. And after one 30 minute tv show, so that I can shower, he announces- "I've watched enough tv, what should we do now?" I feel like saying, "Mommy is brain-dead today. I have no more ideas."

So... after a long summer of trying to make each day interesting... we skipped into school today. There were kids crying today as the separated from their parents. But Jadin threw his backpack in his cubby and got busy being a preschooler. No time for Goodbyes. He was too busy.

When I picked him up, he said, "I handled all of those kids today." He's a busy little boss. :)

Happy First Day of preschool Jadin!!!


  1. Very funny! I'm working on starting my blog back up. I'll let you know when it's ready.

  2. wow, hard to believe that he has grown up so much, he is a little man :) too cute

  3. I remember those days!!! I cried more on the first day of school than either one of my children. :) Enjoy Pre-school! ~Robyn
