Monday, October 12, 2009

Hello World...

Ultrasound pictures can be tricky. Either you see it or you don't. When I look at the picture above, I can immediately see a baby who is waving hello. The baby is facing the camera and has his/her right hand waving hello. The first shot is a profile picture of the baby. Can you see it? I know that when Jeremy looks at these he stares and says "I got nothin'..." :)

I am just shy over 12 weeks and feeling great. With all three pregnancies, there has been a defining day when I wake up and the yuck is gone. No more pajamas. No more cheerleading shorts and t-shirts. I am ready to get dressed, fix my hair and feel pretty again! I woke up on Friday and felt like a new woman. I actually WANTED to clean the house! I all-of-a-sudden had energy and I knew the first-trimester-blahness was over.

Another strange phenomenon.... I weighed in today 6 pounds lighter than my last visit. I am really not sure why this happens but it is the third time I have lost weight in the first trimester. I don't throw up and I LOVE to eat. I think the baby sucks all the extra pounds from me in the first few weeks. Who knows? But.... the weight is inevitable. It's coming. Not to worry.

1 comment:

  1. So happy for you guys, I can see the baby waving- precious
