I am just shy over 12 weeks and feeling great. With all three pregnancies, there has been a defining day when I wake up and the yuck is gone. No more pajamas. No more cheerleading shorts and t-shirts. I am ready to get dressed, fix my hair and feel pretty again! I woke up on Friday and felt like a new woman. I actually WANTED to clean the house! I all-of-a-sudden had energy and I knew the first-trimester-blahness was over.
Another strange phenomenon.... I weighed in today 6 pounds lighter than my last visit. I am really not sure why this happens but it is the third time I have lost weight in the first trimester. I don't throw up and I LOVE to eat. I think the baby sucks all the extra pounds from me in the first few weeks. Who knows? But.... the weight is inevitable. It's coming. Not to worry.
So happy for you guys, I can see the baby waving- precious