That afternoon, I proceeded to tell my mom this story and let her know that I was sorry I had lost my brush. As she drove, and I finished telling the story, she didn't say a word. Now, let me tell you... when my mama gets quiet... you better look out!!! The only thing she said was, "I'll get your brush back."
The next day in Science class, my teacher pulled me into his office and with tears in his eyes, he apologized all over himself. I'll admit, I was a little embarrassed, wondering what in the world my mom had said. But, I was thrilled that he would never pick on me again. When I got home, my mom said, "Here's your brush. Now, don't have it out in class again." And, I said "Yes mamm." But, in a nut shell, that was my mom. She did not endorse her kids acting up, but she did not STAND for anyone coming against us. If you did... you chose to enter the lion's den. And I am not kidding.
My mom and I have always had a great relationship. I was a ball of mush and she was somewhat stoic so we were a perfect match. We often acted as sisters as I got older. I can remember when I got big enough, she was trying to spank me for something I had done and I was holding her arms and we were going round and round in circles. She was yelling, "Let go of my arms so I can spank you." And I was saying, "Do you think I am crazy?" She would finally start laughing and give up.
I told her everything and she always listened with a nonjudgmental ear. The open line of communication really kept me out of trouble as I got to be a teenager. She was a nurse and she always kept me informed on where my decisions may lead. For that reason, I chose to stay away from all of it. And there came a moment, where she stopped coming to my rescue and I was able to STAND up for myself. I have her to thank for the strong backbone I carry today. And the legacy of the look.... 'Don't you mess with my kids or we will have to throw down!'
But, this time 4 years ago, my strong mama found out that she would need a biopsy on a tumor they had been watching for many years. It was right after Thanksgiving and I was waiting with my dad and my 2 month old baby for the results from an all day surgery. The doctor came out and let us know that it was a grade 4. And the prognosis was not good. I looked down at my sleeping baby and was so thankful that my mom had been there when he was born. But, in the same thought, I was devastated at her not being there to watch him grow up. Or to be there for the births of future children. I cried so deeply it hurt all over.
While we waited for the results to come back from the lab, I wanted nothing more than for everything to go back to the way it was. For just mundane life to return. All the moments we all take for granted.... I wanted those moments back.
As it turns out, the results returned as a grade 2. It still was going to be treated very aggressively with chemo and radiation but it was a HUGE blessing and we were all thankful.
So, now, almost 4 years later, she receives positive reports with each checkup. She works hard each day and is a fabulous Nana to my, now, 2 boys and one on the way. We are all so thankful that regular life has returned but not without a constant reminder of just how much gratitude we all need to have in our daily lives. God is gracious and I am thankful!
All that said, if there was one woman that I thought might make it through that type of cancer and come out standing, it would be her. She is tough as nails and I am thankful for her.
Happy Thanksgiving Ya'll!!!
so sweet, you both are beautiful :)