Friday, August 27, 2010

Oblivious Exercise

A few days back, I pulled out a workout dvd that I do pretty regularly. Because Jadin doesn't take naps anymore, he decided to to join me in my afternoon workout. He was enthused and pumped up about his first workout. He went and made a couple of weights out of some toys in the playroom, found a mat and grabbed a bottle of water, just like me. I was amused.

On the first workout, he did windmills 3 times as fast as I could. Actually, he did most of the exercise moves presented at triple speed. On the second day of the workout, he took pauses here and there. By the third day of the workout, he laid on the floor and got up only twice for his two favorite moves: butt kicks and boxing. At the end of the third workout he said, "Why do you do this? It's kind of boring."

Isn't this how most adults go about a new exercise/diet plan? The first day: we're pumped. The second day: we are less enthused. And by the third day, we're ready to quit. I think Jadin exposed a valid reason as to why we do this: exercise is easier when it's fun.

Jadin is almost 5. He has abs of steel and not an ounce of body fat. Although he eats very well, he burns off any caloric intake with his active lifestyle. He never does jumping jacks or sit-ups but he enjoys life to the fullest and plays from the moment his feet hit the floor until it is dark outside. He exercises 10 times as much as any adult and yet has no idea he's doing it.

As adults, we can't run on the playground all day long, or play hide-and-go-seek until it's dark. We have busy lives. And as a result, our workouts get reduced to a dvd or some time at the gym that is really not all that fun. As of right now, there may not be much you can do to change this fact. But, I challenge you not forget the things you love that involve physical exertion.

For me, it's dance. I was a cheerleader from an early age through college. I taught lessons at a local ballroom dance studio. I danced. I ate as much as I do now, but never struggled with weight gain. Now... to lose a pound is hard work. Some of that could be due to getting older, but most of it has to do with not having the time to exercise. So, today... I am letting myself remember how much l loved to dance. In fact, I have a fantasy that Dancing with the Stars would do a spin-off called Dancing with the Middle-Class and I would get to be a contestant. ;)

What do you love to do that inadvertently involves exercise? Do you find time to do it? If not, I pray that God will open up windows for you to get some oblivious exercise.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Gauging Your Spiritual Tank

Fuel: It's something we know we need in order to get from here to there. Without it, we would all be more or less at a stand-still. And if you've ever run out of it, you know exactly what I'm talking about.

At 17, I had places to go and people to see. Stopping for gas was a nuisance and it always seemed to get in the way of my overloaded schedule. I pushed it until the last second. And one day, I was a second too late. In the turn lane of a busy intersection, my car just shut down. It was embarrassing, dangerous and just plain dumb on my part. Luckily, the music pastor from my church pulled up behind me right after it happened and pushed my car out of harm's way and my brother showed up shortly after with some gasoline.

It only takes once. Lesson Learned. Or so I thought...

Lately, I have been burning my spiritual fuel and neglecting to go in for a fill up. I spent most of the summer squeezing out every work hour possible that was not already reserved for taking care of three boys, a husband, cooking and cleaning. I have only taken 2 days off in the last 40 days. And the gauge on my spiritual life has been moving closer and closer to Empty.

I noticed that my blog had gone un-touched for over a month and since I just finished up my work project, I thought I would update it. However, the ideas were circulating in my head and nothing seemed to come to fruition. And then it hit me. My spiritual vehicle was starting to spit and sputter. I had nothing to pour out because I was just about to shut down. It's embarrassing, dangerous and just plain dumb on my part.

We all know better. And yet, many of us find ourselves running on empty or even worse- completely broken down. God is ready and waiting to renew and refill all of our spiritual needs.

"But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31