Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Back from the Dead...

After receiving a new phone from our cellular provider, we had an unfortunate event... It went through a complete wash cycle!!! In fact, it went through the dryer too. But only for a few minutes. The knocking was a sure sign something had gone wrong. I'll take the blame... since I do the laundry... and the person that left it in HIS jeans will remain nameless.

Anyway, it's been dead for over a month. We took it to our provider and begged for them to give us something... but we got nothing. We had to go back to our old phone which is... hmmm... how shall I say....HIDEOUS! But, the great friends in our small group suggested we put it in a bowl of rice to absorb the moisture... thus, the picture. After 24 hours, I said a prayer and plugged it in. Low and behold.... we have a working phone. It's a miracle!!!

Thanks to all our great friends for the great advice!!!

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