Because we've always been on a budget, I am not much of a spender. Don't get me wrong, I love to shop like as much as the next girl, but clothes for me are not high on the priority list right now. I know there will come a day where our financial territory is expanded a bit and I can shop more, but for now... I stick to what we can afford and buy within my boundary. In the first couple years of our marriage, my wardrobe, or lack there of, got to me from time to time...
You know the routine... I walk into my closet and look around... "What will I wear today?" I pull out my favorite shirt... you know the one... it's been in every picture taken of you for the last six months. "No, I can't wear that... everyone saw me in it one time this week already." So, I start trying on a few things. Too tight. Too yellow. Too busy. Too... UGH. Four outfits later, I am in a sweat. Anxiety has flooded in and I am feeling the heat of picking ANYTHING that will work for the day. "Calm down, Ashli. Try on that shirt you got for Christmas." Although you didn't like it when you opened it on Christmas morning, maybe you've had a change of heart. I struggle to get the stretchy shirt on because it's a tad too small. I look in the mirror... muffin top is visible. This is a no. So, then I try and get out of the God forsaken shirt. I'm hot and perspiring and the shirt will not come off. I'm tangled in the too tight shirt and it's pinching my skin in ways you could not imagine. By this point... I am thinking of every obscenity I've ever heard in my life. Finally, I yank the shirt one last time with great force and give it a WCW smack down to the closet floor. Take that you ugly shirt!!! Combine this with the fact that I have a few pounds of baby weight to lose and a little PMS and I am now a lethal threat to my wardrobe. It's almost as if I can hear the wardrobe laughing at me. Right about now... Jeremy walks in. It looks like an explosion of clothes has erupted all over the room. "What's the matter?" he asks. I throw myself on the bed and utter the infamous words.... "I have nothing to wear!!!!!!!!"
I am happy to tell you that these days don't happen to me much anymore. My wardrobe still gets to me from time to time, but my reaction is a little less tantrum-like. In Matthew 6:31 Jesus takes the time to remind us not to worry... "So do not worry, saying, 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?'" I found it so interesting that Jesus mentioned our worry about what we should wear. Is it possible that it was a problem for women even back then? It makes me laugh to think about a Bible times woman picking out her clothes. "I'm tired of this robe. It's just so.... beige!!!" And Lord knows you could get tangled up in one of those things!!!
My point is this... when I had a war with my wardrobe... there was nothing I could have put on that would have helped me regain my confidence. I was past the point of no return. And when I got to where I was going, it was all over my face that I hated my outfit choice. It made my day go down the drain because I let my clothes dictate my confidence level. As I have grown in the word... I realize that the reason God takes the time to remind, specifically women, about worrying over our wardrobe is because it's a confidence killer. Because I have three boys to dress everyday, I no longer have time to worry too much over what I will wear. I still want to look good... and there is nothing wrong with that. But, if I'm having one of those days where nothing I pick is gonna do... I decide to pick something quick and not to worry about it. I find that if I exude confidence from my face- my smile, my eyes, the things that come out of my mouth... then no one pays attention to what I'm wearing. Now, I am not saying we should dress like slobs and not care how we present ourselves. I'm just saying that you don't have to dress to the nine every day in order for your day to go well. Let yourself off the hook every now and then. For example, the other day I was in my workout clothes with no makeup on and needed to run into the grocery store for a few items. I bet you already know what happened... I ran into a slew of people I knew. I could have dropped my head and hid behind the mound of cantaloupes. But instead... I let myself off the hook and let my confidence do the talking.
It's not easy not to worry. You have to do it on purpose. You have to practice it. It will come with time and practice. And I have not yet arrived... Sometimes I still want to crawl in a hole over something like my clothes... but, I am working on it and that is what really matters.
I can totally relate and it has definitely gotten better with time and age. I realize that it isn't as important as it once seemed to be. You are completely right and I will read that passage from now on from a different perspective, thanks for sharing Ashli :)
ReplyDeleteGood stuff Ashely! Boy can I relate:)