Disguising emotions has never been my strong suit. My poker face tends to look like Brody's... I reveal everything that I'm holding. If I'm thinking about something that makes me happy, a smile stretches across my face. If something has frustrated me, an annoyed look appears. Usually, my face leaves nothing for question. As women... our emotions are powerful tools. Most girls learn early on that if we flip on the waterworks, we will pretty much have our Daddy's at our disposal. :) I used to cry at the drop of a hat. I remember one time in particular my hair stylist informed me she was running an hour behind on prom night. This put my prom itinerary in shambles... so, what did I do? I sat down and had a good cry. My mom said, "Get a hold of yourself, woman!!!"
Controlling those demonstrative emotions is an important part in our spiritual growth. When I look back on my prom night, I can see the stupidity in my lack of self-control. These days, I rarely cry... unless it has to do with a child being mistreated or terminally ill... then, I'm a basket case. But, I still have more to learn in perfecting my poker face.
Nehemiah gives us a great example of emotion control. He found out some terrible news about his home town in late Fall but he waited to speak to the king until Spring. During those months, he fasted and prayed. But while he was at work, he kept on his poker face. It says in Nehemiah 2: "I had not been sad in his presence before, so the king asked me, "Why does your face look so sad when you are not ill? This can be nothing but sadness of heart." You see, when he decided to talk to the king, he used his emotions as a tool.
It doesn't say he had NEVER been sad during his time as cup bearer- it said he was NEVER sad in the king's presence. You need to have someone who you are able to process your emotions with. It may be an accountability partner or your spouse- someone who you can let your hair down with. But, letting everyone in- your boss, your coworkers, the bank teller, the bag-boy, the UPS man... will ultimately not be to your benefit. It speaks volumes to those around you when you can show a steady joy and contentment with life. If you let everyone in to every bad mood- why would they want what you have? This is not about falsely presenting yourself, it's about control. Proverbs 25:28... Like a city whose walls are broken through is a person who lacks self-control.
Not every emotion deserves your oxygen. Not every mood needs to replace your poker face.
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