Mike & Robyn August 10, 1996

David & Ashley December 16, 2006

Daniel & Amanda May 2, 2009

Austin & Ashley December 31, 2010
If we were able to take a glimpse into the wild, it wouldn't take long before we saw a herd of animals pass by. Why do many animals travel in herds rather then opt for a solitary existence? It is believed that the strongest selective pressure leading to herding is protection against predators.
A couple of years ago, our church had a push for small groups to begin meeting outside of a Sunday service. The purpose for this was to deepen relationships within the body and meet the needs of individuals which is difficult to do in a large group setting. At the time, Jeremy and I felt like we were drowning in parenthood. It was all we did outside of work and church and we felt alone. We often left church empty because we lacked any real adult communication besides each other. We needed friends. But, that's easier said then done. The 'Hello, my name is Ashli and I want to be your friend' just doesn't cut it after 1st grade.
But, we were invited (very important) and we chose to take the leap to join a small group. And I have to say, it was one of the better decisions we've ever made. We actually have eight couples that meet twice a month for good food, good conversation, and a time of building each other up in the word and prayer. In the two years we have been involved, we have seen babies born, watched first steps, celebrated birthdays, helped each other move, watched a couple get married, eaten a LOT of good food, supported members who lost jobs, celebrated when God gave them a new job, cried about bad days, laughed about embarrassing moments and walked through the death of family members. We have formed a herd. We all have taken our turn at being in need. And we are a herd that is prepared to circle around you and protect you from the predator of this world.
Currently, we are walking through a study on marriage. Marriage is hard sometimes! But removing yourself from the deserted island of solitary existence and placing yourself in a herd brings strength to your marriage. Because you're no longer alone. We have a couple in our small group that has been married for around 30 years all the way to a couple that has about five months under their belt. But, we are all still learning, still growing- no matter how long it was since we took that leap. So, I am celebrating my small group today! If you are not a part of a herd... ask someone at your church if there are any small groups available. If not- start one!!! Most times, people are just waiting to be asked. People need people.
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