It doesn't take us long as mothers to discover the need for Plan B. One fun-filled night of walking a crying baby through the house should do the trick. We start with Plan A- FEED HIM. Then... when he still won't go to sleep, we go through our alphabet of plans until we reach Plan S- Sit down and Squall right along with him. It becomes ingrained in us to have a backup plan.
Why do you think our diaper bags are over-stuffed with Plan B's. Cheerios for the doctor's appointment that takes too long; changes of clothes for a potential diaper disaster; extra bottles just in case you're out longer than anticipated; and toys to distract him from the crying fit he might want to throw. As mothers, we always have a Plan B. Even if we forget a Plan B... there is usually another mother around or a grocery store stocked with Plan B's.
The problem with Plan B's, is that we get so used to always having a backup plan that we start to approach God with our Plan B. Sure, we pray for Plan A first... "God, you know my dream. You know the secret desires of my heart. You can do anything. You can make these things come to pass." But, then we feel the need to create a Plan B for God. "But, if that doesn't work out... I would be happy with __________. (fill in the blank)." And before we know it, we've talked ourselves out of Plan A and we're now settling and trying to talk God into our Plan B.
We do this to protect ourselves from the disappointment of not receiving Plan A. We need to think up a reason for God as to why he has not brought Plan A to pass. As if God NEEDS our Plan B because He's up there stumped as to why Plan A didn't work out. God is not stumped. The God of this universe can do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us. (Eph 3:20)
I think our prayers have gotten small. There's nothing inherently wrong with small prayers. But God is challenging me not to forget about the BIG prayers. The Plan A's. This world may be full of the need for a Plan B. But, God does not need our plan B. He only has a plan A. And it is the same yesterday, today and forever. Challenge yourself to pray for plan A. Plan B's may be vital in this world. But, they are worthless to God. He doesn't need to 'prepare' for anything. He doesn't have to run out to the store because he forgot something. He has everything he needs within himself. After all, he is the I AM. (Ex 3:14) He is Plan A. There are no other plans!
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