Thursday, August 16, 2012

Before the Backpack: 3 Scriptures I Pray Daily With My Boys


It's that time of year again... summer, which seemed so long when I was a kid- watching Elvis movies and Saved by the Bell... is now just a blink. And before you know it, you find yourself frantically gathering the long list of school supplies, clothes shopping, packing lunches and planning a morning routine that will get 4 boys where they need to be ON TIME. (Ok, that last part was just me- but I'm sure you can relate.)

Last year was my first experience releasing a child to public school- and that's exactly what it felt like. I dropped him off and watched him walk into the masses- praying he'd be alright. The first day he came home and told me about someone that had made fun of what he brought for snack. I was driving home, listening to him talk from the back of my van, with tears welling up. Because- I realized that I could no longer be right there to step in as his defender. Don't get me wrong... we should ALWAYS be our child's advocate. I'm all about a little MAMA-BEAR or MAMA-SMACK-DOWN when necessary. But, to avoid being the 'scary mother' at school, we have to choose our interventions wisely.

What's bigger? Even on my BEST day as Jadin's advocate, there is a God that loves him more and can defend him better than I. That's BIG. So- I started praying with the boys each day before school. And it has become just as natural to them as lining up to have their hair spiked up. I pray three scriptures and I have seen God's hand intervene on our behalf. Psalm 103:20 says that the angels hearken to the voice of his word. What does this mean? It means, angels respond when we pray His word!!!

1. Romans 8:5- I pray that my boys will walk according to the spirit of God. I pray that they will set their minds on the things that will gratify God. That they will make good choices with God in mind.

2. Psalm 5:12- I pray that God will surround the boys with favor as with a shield. That God will protect them and give them favor with teachers, administration and friends.

3. Proverbs 27:17- I pray that God will bring friends into their life who will sharpen them and make them better men.

Simple. Powerful. Pray the WORD.


1 comment:

  1. So true. I learned to pray the Word over by boys at Moms in Touch. Remind me to tell you how God answered Prayer #3 in Zach's life. God answers prayer abundantly above all we could ask or think!!!!
