It's that time of year again... summer, which seemed so long when I was a kid- watching Elvis movies and Saved by the Bell... is now just a blink. And before you know it, you find yourself frantically gathering the long list of school supplies, clothes shopping, packing lunches and planning a morning routine that will get 4 boys where they need to be ON TIME. (Ok, that last part was just me- but I'm sure you can relate.)
What's bigger? Even on my BEST day as Jadin's advocate, there is a God that loves him more and can defend him better than I. That's BIG. So- I started praying with the boys each day before school. And it has become just as natural to them as lining up to have their hair spiked up. I pray three scriptures and I have seen God's hand intervene on our behalf. Psalm 103:20 says that the angels hearken to the voice of his word. What does this mean? It means, angels respond when we pray His word!!!
1. Romans 8:5- I pray that my boys will walk according to the spirit of God. I pray that they will set their minds on the things that will gratify God. That they will make good choices with God in mind.
2. Psalm 5:12- I pray that God will surround the boys with favor as with a shield. That God will protect them and give them favor with teachers, administration and friends.
3. Proverbs 27:17- I pray that God will bring friends into their life who will sharpen them and make them better men.
Simple. Powerful. Pray the WORD.
So true. I learned to pray the Word over by boys at Moms in Touch. Remind me to tell you how God answered Prayer #3 in Zach's life. God answers prayer abundantly above all we could ask or think!!!!