Monday, November 21, 2011
Talkin' Turkey...
Everybody Loves Raymond is probably my all-time favorite show. I don't know if there is an episode where I haven't experienced authentic laughter at one point or another. And the holiday episodes never fail to deliver good, solid comedy. I think because they remind me so much of real life. The holidays tend to bring out the best and worse in people. Leading up to the clip above, Ray and Debra are having an escalating "discussion" (if you will) about whose parents are worse. Bringing family together has always proved to be interesting over the years.
Many of you are experiencing stress right now about what to cook and how to deal with Crazy Cousin Eddie this year. (shout out to P-Matt) :) For some of you, eating Thanksgiving twice or three times in one day might be in your near future because of multiple visits to multiple families. I have a friend who once told me that because she and her husband both have divorced parents... they did four Thanksgivings in one day. And because of all the stress, an argument kicked off in the morning. They spent the day being dead silent between houses only to get to the next house, knock, and say "Hiiiii!!! Happy Thanksgiving!!!" Put on a happy face, right??? But the truth is... sometimes, we're all slinging turkeys around on the floor!
So, this is just a short, fluffy blog to remind you to lighten up this holiday season! Don't take anything too seriously and enjoy all the dysfunctionality every family has to offer... because every family has a little to offer! Remember the purpose and meaning behind each holiday. For Thanksgiving... it's time to count our blessings. And we all have so many!!! So, take a moment to try and list as many things you can think of that you are thankful for. If that is what your focus is on this upcoming Turkey-day, a little floor-grit for your turkey will never get in your way!
Thursday, October 13, 2011
An Unexpected Siesta...

This morning was running like any other morning... I showered, read my Bible, made breakfast and then made my rounds to wake up three boys to eat... all by 7am. Then worked on getting them dressed, teeth brushed, hair fixed and loaded the van with lunch boxes and back packs. After I finished my taxi service, I returned home, got Brody and Dallas interested in playing toys, flipped on my worship music and started my chores assigned for the day. I usually am buzzing around like a ninga but today I was kind of lost in thought.
A few weeks back I planned a weekend getaway for my husband and I. Since it had been 2 1/2 years since we've spent a night away from the kids and knowing that time is running short before we will be snowed in with a new baby... I wanted to make it happen. But, if you've ever planned to get away and had to get kids ready to stay with someone else, you KNOW that it takes a lot of effort to make your vacation come to fruition. Not to mention, we had a series of unfortunate events the week before we were to leave, including our boys getting slammed with a stomach bug. So, after one thing an another, we started to wonder if we should take all the hiccups as a sign to simply cancel. And canceling just made sense.
So, as I was mopping the laundry room, I was thinking about my desire to be whisked away for a weekend. As a mom/wife/woman... I felt sucked dry. My job as stay-at-home parent requires me to meet the needs of others from sunup to sundown. The first thing out of their mouth is "What's for breakfast?" and the requests continue all day long. I am not complaining about what I do... but it's a fact that it takes a lot of endurance to be mommy, clean, cook, lay out clothes and pack lunches day in day out. Not to mention- working from home in the evening, trying to be a good wife and being 7 months pregnant.
Right about that time, the song changed on my computer to Kari Jobe's My Beloved. The first words in that song are: You're my beloved, you're my bride... come away with me my love.
And I felt like God spoke to my heart that he was able to whisk me away for a time that would meet my needs and rejuvenate my spirit in a way that the finest hotel could not compare. And I broke. In the next few minutes, I allowed Him to rush in with his sweet love and whisk me away. Although, I cried on and off the rest of the day- I really did feel better.
Remember that you too, are God's beloved. He LOVES you. Simple? Yes. Profound? Yes. Intimate? Very. Boundless? Extremely.
Let the beloved of the Lord rest secure in Him, for he shields him all day long, and the one the Lord loves rests between His shoulders. Deuteronomy 33:12
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Forever Neverland: A Peter Pan Prom
The Invitations

Three Pirates

The Disco Ball
Prom Photo Opt
The DJ's~ A & A
The Presents

The Cake

The Favors

Pirate Tattoo Parlor

Fairy Face Painting

This was, by far, one of the most fun parties we have had to date. And we couldn't have done it without Ashley and Austin- the DJ's; Shelby- the face painter; Hope- the tattoo artist; Emily- my cooking assistant and photographer; Amanda and Daniel- Prom Photo Photographers; Nana and Pop-Pop- PopPop built the ship and they both helped immensely setting up and tearing down; and Gigi and PopPop who kept the kids occupied on the day of which was no small task!!!
Happy 6th Birthday Jadin!!!
Friday, September 16, 2011
Think Disney...

I was a kid with high expectations. I anticipated my first slumber party like it was a night at the Ritz, my wedding like it was Cinderella's ball and every meal I've ever eaten like I was about to eat at a 5-star restaurant. I had high expectations for myself- I expected to do well in school, I expected to stay out of trouble (for the most part) and I expected that whomever I chose to marry would measure up. I expected a lot of others- I assumed people would keep their word.
It doesn't take many disappointments before you start to realize that maybe the world isn't as delightful as you had hoped. And Satan unknowingly uses 'Debbie Downer' type people to speak things into your life like, "Don't get your hopes up" or "Low expectations are the only way to go." So, after feeling enough disappointment, I tried out the low expectation thing... after all, it would prevent me from getting hurt, right? But, the thing I quickly discovered about low expectations, is that when I expected little, I received little to nothing. At least when I expected a lot, if I only received half, that was more than what I was getting with low expectations.
And at some point in college, the idea was presented to those in leadership... Think Disney. Disney seems to have endless ideas that flow into the most imaginative places you may expect to be only in your dreams. If you can dream it- they can make it happen. And they challenge their employees to think out of the box- like no where near the box. I pondered this type of thinking... if I was going to be all that God wanted me to be- I had to think Disney. The problem is... too many people have been lied to through disappointing experiences and adopted the mentality- think County Fair. And instead of receiving Disney quality or even half of Disney quality- they're receiving a mediocre fair ride and walking around eating a corn dog.
And even more creative than Disney is the Holy Spirit. Their is no one more creative than the Creator. I am intrigued by anatomy and physiology. Just studying what happens with each respiration or how a baby is formed knocks Disney out of the park. So, people ask me where I get my ideas from... I always go to the Source of creativity. I pray about each opportunity I have for creativity and I think Disney. Once God gives me an idea, and this part is key, I take on a Godly confidence that I can do whatever idea has popped into my head with God's help. We would not enjoy some of the inventions we use today, if the inventor was too afraid to fail.
Now have I messed up on some of my 'creative ideas?' Terribly. I have burnt things, (food and my own skin) I have botched things and had to start over. I have had ideas flop. And I have made some of the biggest messes that you could ever imagine. But, I find joy in knowing that I am getting more out of life with high expectations than by expecting little to nothing.
Psalm 39:7 "And now, Lord, what do I wait for and expect? My hope and expectation are in You." He is where my hope and expection rest- his creativity is boundless and unlike the world, He will never disappoint.
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Mindya Business...
Right out of the gate, Jeremy had a paper due for his masters degree. We thought his college days were behind him and now he was rusty at cranking out term papers. So, to be helpful, I read over his first paper just to give it a second pair of eyes. Before I knew it, I was rewriting the paper myself and researching his books to 'help' him make a good grade on the first paper. On the second paper, I started to do the same thing... figuring that at the end of this two-year journey I would probably have an honorary masters degree. But, I was feeling stress over getting it done since I had an overload of my own work to complete. He was stressed because the way we worded things was different and he wasn't sure he would be able to defend his work if I was really the one doing it.
When I went to bed that night... I told God, "I feel so stressed. Please help me get all that I need to get done." And I felt like he answered me very simply, "If you want to get your stuff done without being stressed, then mindya business!" Apparently, God watched the same Fresh Prince episode. Nevertheless, He gave it to me straight. I had my hand in something that it had no business being in and because of that, I was feeling stressed. I was also creating tension between Jeremy and I. So, the next morning... I apologized to Jeremy and vowed to stay out of his masters degree other than to be a listening ear when he needed it. And low and behold, the boy has pulled straight A's the whole time without me lifting my pinkie finger. He has been able to experience success in his degree that he may never have felt if I would have continued to mettle.
Minding your own business is one BIG way you can simplify your life. This is not to say that we shouldn't be compassionate towards others and help when there is a need. But, so many times, we get involved in things that we have NO business being a part of. In addition to that, we want to be in the know about issues that don't concern us. Have you ever spent time conniving... trying to figure out all the details to one big, juicy piece of gossip... only to wish you wouldn't have gotten in the middle of it later? If you're feeling stressed today, is it possible that there is an area in your life where you need to Mindya Business?
And let me testify to this... minding your own business is FREEDOM!!! Every now in then, I hear a tidbit about something and wonder what the WHOLE story is. But, I tell myself- Mindya Business and I feel immediate freedom in not ALWAYS needing to know everything. Not to mention, I ask myself... What can you stay out of today? And it feels so good to not take on problems that don't belong to me. In 1 Corinthians 2:2 AMP Paul says "For I resolved to know nothing (to be acquainted with nothing, to make a display of the knowledge of nothing, and to be conscience of nothing) among you except Jesus Christ (the Messiah) and him crucified." Paul was minding his own business and his only business was Christ.
I am a stay at home mom, I work from home and my day has plenty of business of its own. I am sure yours does too. So, if life is feeling frantic for you, simplify your life and Mindya Business!!!
Sunday, August 21, 2011
J is for Jadin... K is for Kindergarten...
Almost 6 years ago, Kindergarten seemed a world away...
I have been nothing but confident when thinking about his first day of school only because he seems made for it. Just as 'J' and 'K' are next to each other in the alphabet... Jadin and Kindergarten naturally go together. He is excited to make new friends, go to P.E. and do all the things that Kindergartners do.

But almost as fast as the pictures scrolled, Kindergarten was upon us.

After orientation... I am not going to lie, I was unsure about the whole thing. But, I decided that it would be best to trust that God has Jadin's best interest at heart. And believe it or not... my personal preferences will not always match God's will and destiny for Jadin. Talk about stepping out in faith. Kindergarten will be a blast for Jadin- as it should be. But for me... it will be a test of trust. Trusting that although I am Jadin's mom and love him soooo much, God loves him more. That is hard for me to fathom but it's truth.
As for today and dropping him off... I wondered if I would visit the Boo-Hoo-Booth for Kindergarten parents in tears. But after a 1/2 mile walk in the Florida Heat from my parking spot, the only tears coming out of me were beads of sweat!!! Jadin and I were too out of breath to feel any emotions!
After dropping Brody off, Jadin off, shopping at Publix for BOGO's, shopping at Walmart for all the rest, unloading groceries for 20 minutes, changing diapers, doing laundry, packing lunches for tomorrow, making dinner for tonight, lunch for today, picking Brody up from preschool and now blogging before I pick Jadin up from his 1st day of Kindergarten (a 40 minute line, I hear)- this taxi driver is under paid!!! And we get to do it all over again tomorrow!
Welcome to Kindergarten!!!
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