But almost as fast as the pictures scrolled, Kindergarten was upon us.

After orientation... I am not going to lie, I was unsure about the whole thing. But, I decided that it would be best to trust that God has Jadin's best interest at heart. And believe it or not... my personal preferences will not always match God's will and destiny for Jadin. Talk about stepping out in faith. Kindergarten will be a blast for Jadin- as it should be. But for me... it will be a test of trust. Trusting that although I am Jadin's mom and love him soooo much, God loves him more. That is hard for me to fathom but it's truth.
As for today and dropping him off... I wondered if I would visit the Boo-Hoo-Booth for Kindergarten parents in tears. But after a 1/2 mile walk in the Florida Heat from my parking spot, the only tears coming out of me were beads of sweat!!! Jadin and I were too out of breath to feel any emotions!
After dropping Brody off, Jadin off, shopping at Publix for BOGO's, shopping at Walmart for all the rest, unloading groceries for 20 minutes, changing diapers, doing laundry, packing lunches for tomorrow, making dinner for tonight, lunch for today, picking Brody up from preschool and now blogging before I pick Jadin up from his 1st day of Kindergarten (a 40 minute line, I hear)- this taxi driver is under paid!!! And we get to do it all over again tomorrow!
Welcome to Kindergarten!!!
If there's one thing I'm learning now is my personal preferences will not always match God's will and destiny for Caden and Bayley. It is a lifelong learning process, I'm sure. One that is tested pure obedience.