What's that I smell... Is it the return of routine??? Our family operates like a well oiled machine when we are submerged in a schedule. Not to say that we can't vacation. We vacay well! But in the in-between times, we as parents do everything we can to avoid the "I'm Bored's."
And in our household, no matter how many things we plan, the second the activity is over... I hear "I'm bored." "I don't want to go home.... home is boring." Ai-Yai-Yai... like fingernails on my chalkboard!!! I could say.... Go outside and play. And in 15 mins, the sweatiest boys in the universe emerge begging for water and Air Conditioner. Summer is HOT and difficult when you can't exist in ongoing vacations. So, this is one Mommy that will not shed a tear about the return of routine!!!
Our routine got kicked off this morning with Brody starting preschool!!! He hopped out of bed this morning like a jack rabbit and said "I start school today!!!" Yes you do buddy. And with who I will argue as the BEST preschool teacher known to man! Ms. Donna is full of energy and super animated and I couldn't wait to get another one of my boys back in her class. Her craftiness puts me to shame and I have saved each and everything Jadin made in her class two years ago. So, to say I have her on a bit of pedestal is an understatement.
Here's to wishing Brody a great year of preschool with the best teacher a Mommy could ask for!!!
That's our Ms. Donna too! She was Cade's 3K and 4 K teacher. She is AMAZING! Cade still talks about her today. What a lucky fellow to have such an amazing teacher. Please tell her we said hello!