On Veteran’s Day of last year, the doctor scanned over the ultrasound screen to give us the big news: Pink or Blue. There was one catch: only one of us would find out.
Why? Well... this is my third pregnancy... and for the first two, I begged for us to wait and find out so it would be a surprise. But, with no luck convincing Jeremy, I gave in and found out. So, we decided to come up with a compromise for #3. The doctor would write the sex of the baby on a piece of paper and seal it in an envelope. Jeremy would open it at his discretion and then keep it a secret. And that is what we did.
It seems like EVERYONE has asked questions about how in the world we are managing this secret. And how can I NOT know? And how can Jeremy NOT tell? Well, for those of you who think I have nerves of steal, I will burst the bubble and share how Day 1 played out...
As we walked out of the doctor’s office that morning, we both knew it would be a long day. Jeremy had the day off which meant we would be together on the first day that he found out. So, he said he wanted to wait and open it until I was not around. Day 1 was probably the only EXTREMELY difficult day. I could not stand that the envelope was in his pocket, unopened. I must have asked 1000 times: Did you open it yet? Nope.
Finally, that evening at around 10pm, I was about to turn in for the night and Jeremy was getting ready to watch the Tarheels play in the living room. So, I called out from the bedroom... "Will you just open it already!?!?!?!?!?" And he said, "Alright, but don't come out here."
I heard the envelope ripping open. AGONY!!!!!!!!!!!!
And then he said, "Did you hear that?" And I said, "YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!" And he said, "Alright, I'm gonna watch the game," in the most nonchalant way you could ever imagine.
I lay there in silence. In absolute agony. I was thinking: He really wants a girl, if it was a girl, I would have heard some sort of celebration. It must be a boy. Another boy. Two boys, a husband, a boy dog and now another boy. I am completely out numbered!
It didn't take long before I couldn't stand it anymore. I got up and walked into the living room backwards so that I would not see his face and try and read it. He laughed at me as I cried over my boy theory. But we talked and by the end, I was COMPLETELY confused. I went to bed with no theory. And the next day, I woke up and just didn't care either way. I am not going to lie and say I haven't had a couple of weak days since then. But, because so many people think one of us will crack, I am DETERMINED to make it to delivery day.
Why do I want to be surprised when I am such a PLANNER? Well, I do love planning. Planning everything! But, I love surprises just a little bit more. There are not many in life and I feel like this is one I can give to myself. So, YES, I want to know which color to paint the room and YES, I want to be able to shop like crazy if it is a girl. But, more than that, I want to experience the anticipation of a great surprise in the end.
Although I haven't met this new addition yet, I plan to love him or her with everything I have. And that is really all the planning I can do.
I think that is awesome and you are right, that is all the planning you can really do :) :)